Thank you Andrea Iannonne (official Ducati MotoGp rider) for choosing and all the best of luck with the ongoing season in MotoGp Championship.
The fastes man on a Ducati Desmosedici at
Andrea Iannone and Alfredo Dente selfie.
Category: News
Shock waves on trial at
Shock waves on trial at
The latest technology available thanks to Electro Medical System (EMS) for treatment of Achilles tendinitis, plantar fascia, shoulder tendinosis and more.
For info look for ems swiss dolorclast on youtube.
I had shoulder stabilisation and needed extensive rehabilitation
Rob Marshall Review:
I am an Irish expatriate living and working in Milan.
Just prior to moving here, I had shoulder stabilisation on my right shoulder and needed extensive rehabilitation.
I found Alfredo to be incredibly knowledgable, thorough and professional throughout all our dealings.
I was previously worked with Olympic and World Class Physios in Ireland and abroad, and Alfredo is in that bracket.
He was exemplary in every way in managing pain, progress and the psychological state of mind during each phase of rehabilitation.
For any non-Italian speakers, Alfredo has totally fluent English, a pristine clinic in the centre of Milan and all the technical attributes to complement the former points.
I thoroughly recommend to any and all seeking rehab in Milan to visit Alfredo. 10/10.
Treatment of the connective tissue through transcutaneous “fibrolysis”
Physiotherapy Milan always on the ball, Alfredo has completed a course on treatment of the connective tissue through transcutaneous “fibrolysis“, another effective approach to miofascial issues.
Many thanks to EG-Group and Corrado Comunale.
Philip Island with Andrea @AndreaIannone29 @AlfredoDente
Philip Island two years ago:
at the time when he joined me in the picture Andrea did not know yet how much of a show he would put up at the very same australian track two years after.
Boy, that’s what racing is all about.
Vale, Lorenzo, Marquez and the smiling guy in the picture who managed an amazing double overtake to claim the last step of the podium. Congratulations to Andrea and to Vale, Jorge and Mark for the most exciting race in years who kept us stuck on the sofa breathless lap after lap.
Nicky Hayden will leave @MotoGP and will race in world Superbike @NickyHayden @AlfredoDente
Nicky Hayden will leave MotoGP and will race in world superbike after joining the world championship hall of fame as a legend in Valencia.
“Good luck nicky a true gentleman, fully committed to his sport a fine model for every young rider and above all a motogp world champion”
As recently announced in japan during a press conference nicky will be a honda rider in world superbike and I am Looking forward to watching closely next year.
“Never give up” nh69 Nicky Hayden announces WorlSBK move
youtube Nicky Hayden announces retirement from MotoGp
Delivery of the Tecar Device with Giorgio Zennaro
Delivery of the Tecar device a few weeks ago with Giorgio Zennaro.
Always a step ahead: Manutech
Manutech is a new tool we chose to provide our client the best interaction between manual therapy and newest technology available.
Happy World Physical Therapy Day everyone… (8th September)
Today is World Physical Therapy Day, I am one and I am proud of being a Physical Therapist.
I have chosen, many years ago, to undergo specific studies and training to become a Physical Therapist although it was not totally clear to me what was involved with and what I was getting into.
It occurs to me often that a lot of people are not too aware of what we do, how we do it and why unless they get sick and that at a certain point, if they are lucky, they are referred to or somehow they turned to us for help.
We work closely with patients of all kinds and who are or have been affected by a desease or injury or simply recovering from a bad back pain.
Today I would like to think of all my collegues who tomorrow will go to work in a hospital or private clinic or nursing home, ultimately it’ s not important WHERE but what really should count is that one of us will be there to help a lady, an old man or a child to regain strength, self confidence and, why not, dignity.
Of course there is no magic, no tricks, no shortcuts only hard work and professional competence to motivate sombody to get back on their feet if possible or to manage at their best any possible outcome after a physical set back.
Tomorrow, like every other day, a Physical Therapist will help Doctors and Nurses in an intensive care unit, or will help a patient after a knee replacement, or even help another one to use a wheelchair or may be he will deal with somebody who has had a stroke and he/she is struggling to sit up straight or to use his/her arm and leg again.
The most important thing is that also thanks to Phisical Therapists many patients can be guided through a path of recovery and rehabilitation which can make their lives manageable or as it happens in many lucky cases almost back to normal although we (Physical Therapists) know that normality is sometimes a very abstract concept sometimes.
We are not special people with special skills on the contrary but we study, train and mostly try to keep up our skills and competence in order to do our job properly, sometimes in a hospital, private clinic or on a soccer pitch or racing track.
It doesn’ matter where who with and how, what should really count is that we always do it at our best with respect for ethics, dignity, pivacy and possibly with a smile.
Happy World Physical Therapy Day everyone.……
Alfredo Dente
Phisical Therapist and Manual Therapist
Knee pain, surgical and conservative approach at the Italian Academy of Osteopathic Medicine
Alfredo Dente will be teaching at the Italian Academy of Osteopathic Medicine ( in Saronno on the 28th and 29th of November.
The course theme will be on Knee pain, surgical and conservative approach.
Alfredo will bring his clinical experience on the subject and will support a productive discussion with the other participants:
- Dr Robero Abba (Orthopaedic Consultant)
- Dr Emanuele Ungaro (orthopaedic surgeon and Osteopath)
- Dr Renato Varinelli (Orthopaedic Surgeon)
- Lorenza Dacò (Personal Trainer)